Sunday, April 11, 2021

Two Non-Sentient Species of the Homo Genus

One of the facts about reality that I find weirdest is that 1) homo sapiens sapiens are the only members of the homo genus, and 2) this has only been true for a relatively short amount of time. 

Also, despite being pretty gung ho about Star Trek forehead ridge aliens or elves/dwarves/etc., the idea of seeing something that looks human but isn't triggers my fight or flight response. I get upset

In that spirit, here are two upsetting creatures to place into your games. Natural philosophers characterize them as being human-adjacent, but in no way are they homo sapiens. This is because they are not sapient

From The Sword of Glass by Sylviane Corgiat


Gigas are quadrupedal non-sapient humanoids. They run sorta like people who participate in pony play. They cannot easily stand on their back legs so you measure them to their shoulder. On average, they reach about 19 hands high. 

Despite their size, gigas are quite skittish. They flee from most perceived threats, although the males can be territorial during mating season. When threatened, they can be enormously dangerous. They have muscle mass like an orangutan. Their bite carries poisonous bacteria. 

Gigas are herbivorous and subsist mostly on grasses. Herds of gigas roam in temperate plains biomes. 

Gigas have been domesticated by gnolls, who train them to act as warhorses. 


From Basileus by Andrew Whyte

Nginikin are non-sapient humanoids the size of action figures. They fill the same ecological niche as rats. They infest ships and are inadvertently introduced to new ecologies, which they proceed to devastate. Everybody hates them. 

Nginikin are omnivorous. Like goats, they can eat almost everything. They reproduce extraordinarily quickly and are frequently seen as symbols of fertility. As such, they are the primary ingredients for a variety of aphrodisiacs and fertility potions. 

Most upsettingly, they have the capacity for mimicry. Though about as intelligent as rabbits, they can recreate the sounds of human language. Many people are tortured by the squeaks of "Howre uu dooin" coming from their crawlspaces. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Generic Fantasy Mad Libs

The Manse is one of the most prolific posters in the blogosphere. They churn out content at a pace that leaves me in gap-mouthed awe. I wish I could be half as generative. 

Recently, they posted about the expectations of Generic Fantasy Settings. Dan from Throne of Salt took the words out of my mouth and said that he wanted a Mad Libs version. 

So here it is. Use it to further your Goal for Gonzo Principle (GfG Principle). 

The Manse's Generic Fantasy Mad Libs

  1. The world is based on the cosmic struggle or balance between [Concept] and [Concept]. 
  2. The setting has a technological level and history that is roughly analogous to Earth's [Continent] during the [Time Period].
  3. The people of the setting worship [Divinity/Divinities]. These entities [Exist/Don't Exist] and [Adverb] interact with the setting.
  4. There are several different intelligent fantasy races. These races are;
    * [Species] who mostly live on the [Biome], and tend to be the most populous race.
    * [Species] who mostly live in the [Biome].
    * [Species] who mostly live in the [Biome].
    * [Species] who mostly live in the [Biome]. They tend to be antagonistic to the other races.
  5. The primary power structure of the setting is a [Government Type] which is ruled by a [Title]. This system is one where land, wealth, and social status is gained by [Custom]. The primary inheritor class is [Biological Characteristic]. 
  6. The land is protected by [Noun] who protect it from monsters, invasions, and other threats. The most elite of these are [Job Title]. 
  7. The majority of the people survive by [Occupation]. The most common types of food cultivated is [Food]. Livestock include [Animal], [Animal], [Animal], and [Animal].
  8. The primary vehicle used by people in this setting for transport and warfare are [Animal].
  9. The most common threats people encounter when traveling on the roads [Noun] and [Animal]. Most rookie adventurers start off fighting weak monsters like [Adjective][Noun] and [Adjective][Noun]. More rare monsters can be very dangerous. The most infamous, though not necessarily most powerful or common of these monsters is the [Noun].
  10. The biggest, baddest monsters in the setting tend to have the habit of [Verbing] princesses. 
  11. There are [Adjective] Dungeons which house dangers like [Noun], [Noun], and [Noun]. The primary reason people explore these dungeons is to acquire [Noun]. 
  12. Among the things found found in Dungeons, you might also find [Adjective] [Nouns]. The most powerful and sought after are [Adjective][Nouns]. They can do things like [Verb] or [Verb]. 
  13. Magic is an [Adjective] force in this universe. Magic is [Adverb]. Those who cultivate magic can use it in the forms of [Noun], [Noun], or [Noun]. 
  14. The type of people who use magic are [Adjective] [Occupation]. They are usually [Adjective] but also [Adjective]. They tend to sequester themselves in [Type of Building].
  15. Typically, the most common end goals for a wizard is to create a [Noun] or turn [Noun] to [Noun].
  16. The most advanced weapon in the setting is a [Weapon]. 
  17. The primary currency used by people in the setting are [Adjective] [Nouns] made of [Material], [Material], or [Material].
  18. Outside of civilization, there is [Adjective] [Biome]. This is where [Animate Nouns] live, who are known to be [Adjective] who love [Verb].
  19. After people die, their souls are ferried to either [Location] or [Location] determined by how [Adjective] they are. Alternatively, they may linger as ghosts who [Verb] until they can [Verb]. 
  20. People can come back from the dead if someone uses [Adjective] magic. This is broadly considered evil. Contrastingly, people can come back from the dead if someone uses [Adjective] magic. This is broadly considered good.