Friday, June 10, 2022

Glamour-Weaver - Freeform Illusion Magic

If you want to play a gnome illusionist or a bard whose songs take shape or a hard-light construct who crash landed into your fantasy setting, you can use this class. 


Saves and Levels: As a thief

Proficiencies: As a magic-user

Runes: At level 1, gain three random runes. Every level thereafter, gain one random rune. 

With a week of downtime and 1,000 silver in magical materials (mithril inks, obsidian mirrors, lights reflected from distant stars), you may attempt to research a specific rune. At the end of the week, Save vs Wands. If successful, you learn the rune you were researching. If you fail, you do not learn the rune and your research is wasted.

Note: Runes map 1-to-1 with the English alphabet equivalent. Runes are just cooler than "letters."

Weave Glamour: A glamour is an illusion. An illusion is a hologram, false smell, or artificial sound. It is always additive, never subtractive. For example, you cannot turn yourself invisible using an illusion. You can create an illusion of a wall in front of you and hide behind it. An illusion "pops" when interacted with. 

You can create an illusion of any creature or thing that begins with the letter of a known rune. For example, if you know the "a" rune, you can conjure an illusion of an auroch, an axe, or an apple. 

You may have one illusion active at a time. There is no upper limit to the number of illusions you can create per day. 

You can describe the illusions you create with a number of words equal to your levels of glamour-weaver. Each word of your description must start with a rune letter that you know.

For example, if you know the "a" rune, "w" rune, and "o" rune, you could cast an illusion of a "Adamantine Wall" or a "Weird Ant" or "Acid Well" as a level 2 glamour-weaver. At level 3, you could conjure "Oily Adamantine Wall", "Weird Old Aunt" or "Acidic Orcish Warrior."

If you not specify a detail of your illusion, the Referee has the prerogative of describing what the illusion looks like. If you simply conjure a "Wall," the Referee can say if the wall is stone or wood, painted or unpainted, etc. 

Illusions will always look like normal objects unless otherwise specified by the glamour-weaver. If you conjure a "Wall," the Referee will never say that it is a wall of ice. 

Your illusions are stationary unless you specify that they take some action. For example, a "Patrolling Orc" will walk back and forth, as if on patrol. "Group of gossiping old women" will talk back and forth banally while knitting. 

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