Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lists of cool things

Another technique you can use to defeat the tyrant blank page is to make big lists of cool things.

Let’s say that you’re working on a dungeon and you’re hoping to create 20-ish rooms, or maybe you’re just working on a Meatgrinder. How can you possibly have that many interesting ideas? Well, first just create grist for your mill.

Start by just writing down stuff you like. There’s something alchemical about it, once you start you almost can’t stop.

Here is a list of things I think are cool:

  • Leylines
  • Using spells at the nexus of a leyline having a bigger effect
  • Casting spells at certain times of the year for a bigger effect
  • Laser eyes
  • Humans having dragon breath
  • Really long jumps
  • Iron maidens (torture device, not band)
  • Runestones
  • Moving huge big runestones over long distances?
  • Moai
  • Fossils
  • Horseshoe crabs
  • Blueblood

You sort of get my point. I can keep going forever just doing free word association. Anyway, now that I have a big list, I got my brain going. It’s a good way to start a writing day.

By the way...

Did you know the Worm Jam is currently going on? It's a space for folks starting new games of His Majesty the Worm to collaborate with each other. Come join us!


  1. I did something essentially similar yesterday when looking for themes for my currently Worm Jam dungeon. Although I was at work and couldn't at that time actually do any writing, I'm basically set to go at any time now with a whole bunch of cool ideas.
