1. Weirwood Staff
Made of white weirwood, carved with a mournful face. On nights of the new moon, you can ask the GM about a past event. On nights of the full moon, you can ask the GM about the present. The GM will describe a vision that attempts to answer your question.
2. Staff of the White Hand
A staff of white entwood, topped with a carven hand. The hand is fully articulate. While holding the staff, you control the hand as easily as you control your own. In a simple way, this is like an extendy shark grabber. But the hand can also be commanded to hold things (a wand! a torch! a sword!). When you attack with your staff, the hand curls into a fist. If you misuse the staff, it will extend its middle finger to you frequently (but still obey your commands).
3. The Walking Staff
Beechwood staff fitted with a white gold foot at its end. The staff is ambulatory; you can call it to your hand. Given its experience traveling, you can ask its opinion about which way you should go and it will make a considered guess. In a dungeon, if given a choice of doors, it will point towards the one that leads in the quickest way to the exit. When hexcrawling, the staff increases the likelihood of finding a notable feature and reduces the chance of getting lost.
4. Horned Staff
Carved of an oak that has grown around the skull of an elk, with only the antlers now protruding. While carrying it, you can pass through overgrown areas (thorns, tangled undergrowth, briar patches, etc.) like a druid. You never leave a trail. While in the forest, you can cast misty step by spending 3 HP.
5. Living Staff
A branch of the ur-Apple Tree from the Garden of Eden. Each night, it can be planted in almost any soil (but not, like, carven rock) and sprout into a great apple tree. The apples provide enough to eat for a small host. The tree is easy to climb and provides almost perfect protection from the elements. Each morning, the apple tree begins to die, but a new living staff can be cut from one of its branches. Can only be carried by those bound to Law. If carried by anyone else, withers away.
6. Nail Bat
This staff is a heavy blackthorn shillelagh studded with iron nails. Acts as a +2 weapon against the fay. You are immune to charm while carrying it.
7. Staff of the Key
A wrought brass staff shaped like a large skeleton key. Runes cut into the teeth of the key contain the spells knock, lock, gate, and magic mouth, allowing you prepare those spells if you are a magic-user of appropriate level. The staff can be used to pick locks with a X-in-6 chance, where X is equal to your Intelligence bonus. Once per day, you can touch the staff to a door and receive a list of the true names of all who passed through the door since the last time the sun crossed the horizon.
8. The Kite
A cedar staff, topped with a crucifix on which a mummified leprechaun is crucified. When the staff or a spell you cast kills a creature, any damage beyond what is needed to reduce a creature to 0 HP is stored in the staff. 20 damage can be stored in this way. When making an attack with the staff, you may add an extra dice of damage. The size of the damage dice is determined by how much damage is stored in the staff. The dice size steps up for every "platonic interval": a d4 if 4 damage is stored, a d6 if 6 damage is stored, etc.
9. Staff of the Cup
A staff of yew, wrapped with tattered prayer flags and topped with a carven wooden chalice. Natural animals will not willingly attack you while you bear this staff. When filled with water from a clootie well or sacred spring, it is charged. A charge can be spent in the following ways:
- Create a use of holy water in the cup
- Heal 2d6 damage
- Cause a natural spring to burst forth from the ground
10. Arachne's Distaff
A pine staff, topped with a carved spider. While carrying the staff, your clothes are always immaculately clean, never rip or tear, and appear to be of the finest quality. You can change the color of cloth you touch with the staff at will. You may cast the web spell by spending 2 HP. Whenever you would suffer the effects of the web, you are immune, but the staff is charged with one free casting.