Saturday, September 7, 2024

Unblock yourself by returning to your inspirations

Almost every time I make a new dungeon for His Majesty the Worm, I sit down and open my Knock! magazines. I’ve read them each a hundred times, but every time I find some gem that re-inspires me. I flip through them, jotting down ideas as I go - random encounters, monsters, cool magic items. I come back later and flesh the notes out.

When I was writing His Majesty the Worm, if I found I couldn’t write that day, I always allowed myself to reread Dungeon Meshi. It was a big inspiration, and I found that returning to it would help me with my writer’s block.

What are your inspirations? Are they an RPG? A zine? A comic? A video game? Take the time to sit down for an hour and give them a revisit. Take notes about what you like and want to recreate from them. Your project will be richer for it.

By the way...

Did you know the Worm Jam is currently going on? It's a space for folks starting new games of His Majesty the Worm to collaborate with each other. Come join us!

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